The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community

Joy: An Inner Wellspring

The Buddha invites us to 'Live in Joy', touching its source in our own hearts. Mindfulness allows us to clearly see subtle joys and how to cultivate them: joy sustains the heart and leads to liberation. This retreat will touch reliable kinds joy that are accessible in every moment, open our eyes to unexpected sources of joy, and explore the role joy plays in temporary awakening. Knowing the doorway to this nourishment can support us in daily life, and in the challenges of our times.

2024-11-15 (3 days) Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community

2024-11-15 Joy: An Inner Wellspring: Opening talk on the 3 Sources of Joy; refuges, precepts, short guided sit 1:16:30
Jeanne Corrigal
The Buddha invites us to 'Live in Joy', touching its source in our own hearts. Mindfulness allows us to clearly see subtle joys and how to cultivate them: joy sustains the heart and leads to liberation. This retreat explores reliable kinds joy that are accessible in every moment, opens our eyes to unexpected sources of joy, and explore the role joy plays in temporary awakening. Knowing the doorway to this nourishment can support us in daily life, and in the challenges of our times.
2024-11-16 Joy: An Inner Wellspring: Saturday instruction - Unworldly Joy 53:56
Jeanne Corrigal
Instruction followed by guided meditation in connecting with various doorways to unworldly joy.
2024-11-16 Joy: An Inner Wellspring: Saturday meditation - Guided Abiding and Radiating Joy 52:13
Jeanne Corrigal
Guided meditation in abiding and radiating joy practice.
2024-11-16 Joy: An Inner Wellspring: Saturday talk - The Pivotal Role of Joy in Liberation 56:07
Jeanne Corrigal
This dharma talk summarizes 3 sources of joy and emphasizes the 3rd source - the more unworldly than unworldly joy of non-clinging, liberation, awakening. Not only is joy a fruit of the practice, but also has a pivotal role in liberation, freedom in the mind and heart. This role is illuminated through exploring several maps to liberation.
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